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Saturday, May 22, 2010

I wke up ds morning at quarter to 8
today was our 4th xure ds wll be our last monthsary,planning to break up to him tomorrow makes me feel better ...
I nvr fool him,bt i thnks he was cheatng on me
and i would n0t want to cntinue he is doing..
I already accpt dat we aren't meant to each other
so0 dnt wrry i'll already move on :D

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Blogged @ 5/22/2010 07:23:00 PM | 0 Responses

Friday, May 21, 2010
happy 17th bday to u

Today was his bday!..
i dont greet him!

will greet him here in my blog!
since u greet me during my 15th bday!..

happy 17th bday to u!..
wish u ol da bezt

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Blogged @ 5/21/2010 08:16:00 PM | 0 Responses

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
miz all sosyalisztas!

ds is my 2nd post to my private blog..
well im just bz nowadays abwt hetalia..
im look a reporter hahaha...
one of my korean friend soo young..
and we talk about hetalia...

anywy im reading ryt now da blog of my bestie jessie..
and ive found out dey spent her vacation in laguna and manila..

and she even post in her blog abwt my phobias in frog...
i really hate frog...scared of it..

i really miss dem sooo much.,!

wanna hugs u guyz..
expexally jessica,ricalaine,may ann,marian ,badeth,gelline,trixia & all of sosyalizstas!..
mis yuh guyz!


Blogged @ 5/19/2010 07:16:00 PM | 0 Responses

Thursday, May 13, 2010
A.N.JELL rockz!

welcome to my new blog..haha..
i made ds today ...
here's my 1st post...keke

Hello everyone…hows your dayPhotobucketfine la?PhotobucketPhotobuckethave u ever heard the korean drama you're beautiful?Photobucket

Photobucketwell, I think most of u already know what I am talking aboutPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketive started to watched it last november , sz kim introduce dat to mePhotobucketWell, im just craving with this
Phone Charms they look kawaiiPhotobucket

And this one are : 미남이시네요

PhotobucketDo u still remember pig rabbitPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

When Tae Kyung had a surgery with a pig and a rabbit…hihiPhotobucket

Tae Kyung Pictures, Images and Photos

you&acute;re beautiful Pictures, Images and Photos

I like Tae Kyung he’s cool for me,Photobucket expexally his hairstylePhotobucket…I’ve also watched his another drama Beethoven Virus. I Photobucket it…all about music and romance, but I hate maestro…grrrPhotobuckethahah…maestro was too strict and always serious…And Geun Suk was soo talented guy derPhotobucketyay!Photobuckethihi…Photobucket

I also like Shin Woo and Jeremy

Shin woo was soo kind to Go Mi Nam, he treats her well…soo sweetPhotobucket but those plans like he was about to confess his feelings to Go Mi Nam, delayed or let say not on timePhotobucket
Even my lil sis kun mei also like him..Photobuckettoo young she’s only 5 yrs. OldPhotobucket before he like Calvin Chen…LoLz

How i wish my prince charming has the same attitude w/ him…o(^-^)/ I feel sooo sadPhotobucket for him…Photobucket…I Photobucket der song Y, Why…, I can relate to that songPhotobucketPhotobucket


GoMinam and Jeremy Pictures, Images and Photos

PhotobucketI really like Jeremy, coz he makes me laughPhotobucketand he is cute...I remember when he was broken heart , he sang Such Good Words on air… when I heard dat song, It makes me cry Photobucket also the song Without Words, when go min nam sang it …it mkes my heart broke into pieces, expexally when I remember abwt himPhotobucket

PhotobucketRyt now, Im listening to Jang Geun Suk songPhotobucket-Goodbye...I want to say bye2x now to those good & bad memories with himPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket…letz focus on my studies, since I will be graduating ds coming school yrPhotobucket

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Blogged @ 5/13/2010 01:46:00 PM | 0 Responses