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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I need rest....

tomorrow i think i sleep much?

but i dont think soo coz..
i sleep at around 11 pm last nyt..
coz last monday i was sleep at 12 midnight den wake up at 5 really makes me feel sleepy..hihi

den during our math subj
i enjoy sleeping!..hahaha...promise
i dont cre wat our teacher talking abwt :P
Honestly speaking, im not interested at all!..haha

den during our Physics subj..

sir raf discuss abwt component method..^^
its more accurate dan trigonometry method,
u know!im quite lucky!
coz i really really dont expect dat my answer were ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!^^


den at afternoon...
it rest tym?..hahas
not really, we had our film viewing
"Enemy of the State"
we IV-St. Dominic De Guzman
really enjoy watching it
expexally the climax of the story ahaha..
were they were hunbting with Mr. Dean..hihi
and the cat name "babe" and the doggie name "poschee"?i 4gt the correct spelling

lots of technologies was been used in that movie!!..hahas

ok gtg now!..
we have C.E.M. tomorrow
wish me luck guys!

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Blogged @ 7/28/2010 10:23:00 PM | 0 Responses

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Give Me!

TODAY we had our quiz in economics about the first sona of ninoy..
mapeh!^^ is our 2nd subj..
gelline,rica,jessica and i went to the door to hide our self one by one..
in order to change dress!..haha...we are lazy to go in the bathroom to change clothes!..hahas..

awww..we lose in our game GRP.1 VS GRP 2
its a decision...3rd...its 25-21 awww..

nxt game was GRP. 2 VS GRP. 3
its a decision game again nxt wk!..i hope we can able to win!,..haha

we cheer our group 2!!!^^
through these song

"I want Nobody2x but TWO!"2x"haha
"Oh baby,baby,baby two"
"Two is better than one" during the game of grp 1 and 2!^^
awesome game!..haha

we won!..yay!...luv it!...we keep on cheering them...i dont want to get a grde 80.hahaha...

it was already recess , wen we start to buy foods..its 10 mins. b4 time wen jessica and I go to canteen...hurry eat!..haha

Comp. subject we shared comp. with gelline,may ann,trxia and karen...
we searched abwt advantages and dsadvantages of technology
den copy it..we should complete back to bck of the paper..

m,ath subj!..WTH!..I HATE our teacher in Math..,
can't explain..well..just like u r not interested to listen wat he was discussing,,,errr....
it really makes me sleepy at dat tym!..
and lookz i feel sleepy wen jonacel ask my help in our hw in physics..hahas..

LUNCH TYM!..i ate in cafeteria with May ann..
after dat we go to the net cafe, chatters in front of our school campus
the printer were soo slow..tsk tsk


i print a 3 form of ust and a short form of dlsu again..ehheehe

sir raf discuss abwt trigonometry method..
its quite accurate dan polygon and parallelogram method.. *toinkz*
he had an overtime!..haha

mam discuss abwt our activities for our upcming feast of st. dominc..

dey had der dialogue..THEY, bec. we r already finish ysterday!..haha

we had a forum...
a paper forum?..ahaha...
we will be write der..a good and bad attitude of our classmates :)

WTH!...lookz sum1 told to me in mah bad attitude i am "IMMATURE"!"ACT LIKE A CHILD"
im wondering who is it..
ok..let's start to investigate starting tomorrow!..haha

and i discover's niko going to like over and over again
its start of letter C

and while we r walking along the way to kodak with rica..
i told wat i've discover!..hahas


i am already in EPS. 6 of prosecutor princess!...yey!..
and lookz, EPS. 5 ! one of my fav. episode..even it hurts my feelings also..aww,..
while watching ATTY. Seo really loves M a Hye Ri
i hope one day, she'll realize that the right man for her was Atty. Seo
not Prosecutor Yoon...

Hwaiting!...gtta watched again 2mrw!...byieee!

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Blogged @ 7/27/2010 10:14:00 PM | 0 Responses

Monday, July 26, 2010
thanks for supporting me:) jia you!

starting today i will start completing my requirements in De La Salle University
i really nid to pass my application form der..
i hope i can able to complete it b4 thursday...
really hope so...

Jessica and I were the red p.e shirt
i really dont expect she will wear it..bec. of her dream
we r wearing red t-shirt hahas...

In our MAPEH subj
we play volleyball, and im one of the first 6 yay!..i dont expect
and the next one to me was reel..ahahas..
thnks to my childhood friend harold, for guiding me!..haha...

before i serve the ball, reel cheer me..
he support me..ayiee!..hahas..

ok...gtg now nid to review for our quiz in our economics subj. 2mrw...
gudnyt everyone!..chu!:)

Jacque! Jia you :D

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Blogged @ 7/26/2010 11:12:00 PM | 0 Responses

Friday, July 23, 2010
there's a hope

Today we are only half day. Jonacel and I hate those seatmates of us..fine!..we dont share anymore abwt dem!..only two of us!...hahas..

we discuss in physics!..i really really love physics!its fun to learn!..hihi

i go home at around 2..i took ds pic when i was inside the car :)
isn't it nice..? :D i like da clouds..xD


Blogged @ 7/23/2010 08:41:00 PM | 0 Responses

Thursday, July 22, 2010
important stuffs

today our advisr finally bck!
and she told to us dat our parents must attend to the PTCA meeting tomorrow...
and discuss abwt our upcoming presentation in the feast day of st. dominic

den nxt subject is CL..
our subject teacher isn't around, so sir raf was the one who go in our room

filipino subjct!..yey!.we make composition,lucky we dont have an oral recitation

math!...jonacel, rona and I feel sleepy during the discussion..haay

lunch tym!^^
we ate!..but jessica dont eat..T_T also may ann

after I tke lunch, Jessica and I went to cervantes
to buy g-tec,ruler and a border
i lost my g-tec .4 and jessica need to buy it...

we r rushing in our project in MAPEH

after dat!SUCCESS :))
1st subject
MAPEH! we will be going to a court..xD
volleyball time!..yey!..hihi..

i gt a good serve,..yey! ur best again jackie!..
i was also try to spike..yay!,,i nid more practice...xD

i gt it 3/4 ^^ i nid 4/4..hihi..

its fun!..physics is really an interesting subj.
sumtymz it made as to confused, but if u study it well u will find it easy!^^

den after dat sir raf ask US
to bring the quiz notebook in the faculty
wen we are about to go back, i see may ann..
gonna hug her!...haha..soo many schoolmates were in outside ..
and sum look to us!..hahas..
den i found out that she was looking for sumthing
its a pendant of karen, she accidentally lost it..
so we go in the stage and the court were we've been before during our mapeh subj.

its now math subj!..

omo!..we r soo im not!..
but most of my classmates were chatting while our teacher was discussing

den our teacher get angry again to us T_T
so he was yelling to us..haay,...
and he even say he'll gonna kill us..huhu..
oh my!..he's the 1st teacher in my life that i've encountered dat he say in front of his students about dat!..OMG!!!

den we stop talking--discussing--done!..heavy rain!..

its raining..haayy!!..

soo we go home wet!..together with ricapot!

done..i feel sleepy now..i still need to packed up my things tomorrow!..keke

PS.finally uncle bert already contact him
i open ds morning my green bank!^^
it contains 619.00 in two wks ^^


Blogged @ 7/22/2010 10:00:00 PM | 0 Responses

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
friends is a subject :D

ds morning during our homeroom, we talk about wat we will going to organize during the Feast of St. Dominic De Guzman..

we will be having a role playing
and gelline will act as Joan of Aza!

and also poster making, Question and Answer,Doxology, Quiz bee
many more!..

w8 4 it!..

btw!..thanks to sir martin also for sum suggestions abwt da presentation!..haha..
*clap clap* ^^

den L.E. we had a seatwork..

math!..we had our discussion!..:)
do u know, dat during the discussion i really feel sleepy
i lost!..i got sleep !..den i was abwt to hve a dream
den i remember!..hey jackie!..u r in school!

den i hurriedly wake up!..hahas..i call ricalaine to be my seatmate during at dat tym
i miss being with her!!

^^luv u ricapot

Physics time!

sir raf discuss abwt the direction in graphing!
its average at 1st..den at last!..quite easy

sumthing happened again!..haha

i go in front den ask may ann to gve to me her paper so sir can check it
sir raf *checking* *done checking paper of may ann*
me:*clap clap*quite clap no sound..haha...i gonna call it cute silent clap!..hahas

sir raf: kala ko pa naman sa iyo, kasi pumapalakpak ka..
me:smile..hihi..sir i clap for may ann

sir raf:checking my seatwork..lam q na bkt gnyan siguro mineasure mo sa itaas..
me:sir again

i dunno i am always classmtes and friends told that to me too..hihi

i dont take lunch...I go to net cafe together with my friends namely ricalaine,jessica,marian,karen, and may ann!^^

wen we go bck to school
we decided to go in canteen first b4 we procede in our classroom :)

i only buy mineral water, i feel thirsty

wen we go bck in our room
i call gelline!..haha..
den gve to her da proj. she ask to me..
it cost 8.00 but she gve me 7.00

while i am writing in comp. coz im nt yet finished
we was cute arguing abwt 1.00 coz i think she dont hve an extra 1.00
hehe...den she ask me 7.00 or none
i want 8.00 while writing,,

den 1.00 or none
i was quite hurriedly datz y i didn't reply

den gelline told to jessica
"hey jessica she say none!"..woah!
den i tell..hey u r unfair!..gve me 8.00
den ask me again 7.00 or none
gve me 7.00 gve me tmrw 1.00

haha!...rcv!..^^ xD

finished. doing my lecture in computer

den we go in computer lab. together with guia,allana,may ann,rica,marian,karen, & angelica!^^

we write!..den i said..
sir cum here i am playing a "fakebook"..its my computer notebook..haha

den he cme..he get my!..nice notebook
it really obvious dat u r addicted in fb!..haha

den it reminds me sumthing last march
i narrate rica a situation b4 last march, i think it march 24 or 25..
but i think 24^^

Marian,Angelica and I was checking exam. paper in all sections in High school den i was soo slow to check coz i was watching "you're beautiful" i am also online fb at dat tym
sir chat me!..magcheck ka ng test paper"

haha...ds one..really mkes me laugh...
i mean..coz marian and angelica were wondering why i am laughing by myself at dat tym
dey dunno i am watching..hehe

after i passed, den gelline was on the other side
i told to her "it bulaga!, bulaga!..with hands.."
hahas...we was really laughing!
we r like a kids..!

remind me again ysterday..coz jessica and I want to eat jjampong..
den i ask gelline..gelline u want jjampong
i gonna gve u jjampong in christmas !..haha
den she say a relief goods..hahas..
we 4 gals with rica and jessie laugh!..haha


its now recitation time!..
vincent,harold and I mom dont record our seatwork coz we dont hve book yet..
most of us..but we 3, mke it in a paper
atleast its a proof dat we make a seatwork ystrday :)


i forgt to bring my english book..or let me say..
i really dont wanna bring it!..hahas..
its heavy!..hihi...
so i share books to gelline i got 19/20 ^^

anw!..datz ol 4 now!....
i nid to do my project in mapeh!

i hope my proj is correct!!


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Blogged @ 7/21/2010 08:21:00 PM | 0 Responses

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
why u r smiling?

today!is a good day and slight bad!

good!..know wat?..coz jessica and I had a new subject its
"Mathematical Love and Friendship"
we are the only who know wat is it!..haha...

a little snippets abwt dat was hmm..
its abwt our classmates in sum taiwanese actors dat we like

den we had our grp discussion in MAPEH
damn that! CLAUDINE gonna kill her wat she told 2 us..
at first i really dont hve any idea abwt it, i know she's mataray
so hell cre!..

and we've just realize wat is it, wen may ann told to us dat she notice it.

and one more, dey dont even put my name, and dey erase jessica's name..!
damn!that girl MYKEE ! dey want a war bec. guia join to our grp?..
hmf!..yep, guia is a nice gal, fun to be with

nxt!..comp. subject we had a great fun of jessica
i wonder who is her crush in our classroom!..haha

den physics!..keke...its nice!..
i now understand it!..haha

CL most of my classmates were doing assignments

we go to bathroom with marian and ricapoit
den sir raf talk to marian

why she's always smiling,is it normal
marian: yes sir
sir raf:den u r abnormal..haha


den we back, den as u know i am a happy gal, whom my classmates told to me , why i am always happy and smiling

we r pass by to st. thomas

sir raf:jacque why u r smiling
me:sir its natural to me!!haha'...| sir talagang ganun!..haha
students and sir raf :laugh!..haha
also rica,marian and I

English. we checked our assignments
part 1: 17/20
part 2: 16/20

Filipino omo!..i forgot to bring my book..datz why i hurry to bring it..haha

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Blogged @ 7/20/2010 08:27:00 PM | 0 Responses

Monday, July 19, 2010
hapy birthday daddy!!!

today is my daddy bday!..

happy birthday to u dad!..

wish u ol da bezt!..
ur da best daddy in the whole world
thnkz for being der for me!..keke

we love you!chu!

wat happened today! da only one in our class who wear red p.e. t-shrt

as i expected..most of my classmates why i wear it!..haha

anw...gonna do my compostion in englsh and do my homework in CL..
bye !

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Blogged @ 7/19/2010 09:08:00 PM | 0 Responses

Saturday, July 17, 2010

hello everyone!..
finally1st monthly exam already finish!..hahas

filipino exam was sooo hard!..haay..
ok..UPCAT exam is coming!..
wish me luck .. i hope i can pass..ds is the only university i know dat has a course BA Linguistic..

anw..i am planning to submit an application in
Taipei Medical University also..

finally, just today...i finally find the exact application in DLSU - Dasma..hahas..
in BS Nursing

i hope i can able to pass in UPCAT,USTET,DLSUCET and Taipei Medical University

i really really want to study in TMU
the school facilities were awesome!..
and da univ totally rockz!..hahas...

i will asure to study well, and i hope dat can get a scholarship in TMU!
wish me luck!..xD

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Blogged @ 7/17/2010 01:24:00 PM | 0 Responses

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
group members

hello my bloggy!..watz up?..haha..
yesterday we had a our P.E class!,,yay!..
i hate vincent!..a guy classmate..
he distract our grp!..gosh...almost all of my co-members wanna kill him!..haha...

den we had our comp subj.!..we just chit chat der, bt sum were copying..keke..
physics!..oh my! not happy with the result ive rcv during our 2nd quiz..huhu

i must do well in our exm!..jia you jacque!..
i know u can do well in ur exam!..ahaha

i love our role playing haha!
my grp members are jonacel,gelline,jessie,charlene,daisery,harold,nathaniel and hasley
we will be act for abwt 5 mins. haha..

da alarm!..nice!..keke..its abwt "sloth"

den nxt subj. english we nid to make a summary abwt the clash of titans
until fil.

we go home at 3 pm..
bt i arrve in our house at 4 pm..i think..hehe

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Blogged @ 7/14/2010 02:39:00 PM | 0 Responses

Monday, July 12, 2010

wen i arrive ds afternoon in our school, wen i enter in our classroom
den almost all of my classmates
"yes!..anjan na c jackie"
"wait mo index card q"
"jackie indx card q oh"
and many more..

while waiting to our guy classmates we had a great fun..laugh haha..
we had lotto,etc..haha

i was!...haha...coz we r hurry, we need to pass our index card to sir raf before...
den wen may ann and I arrive in front of faculty...
we wait until da teachers were go out coz sister was inside the faculty
had a short meeting b4 flag ceremony..haha

den sir ask me is ths complete
den i replied "no sir, nathaniel card wasn't der..coz wen he arrive im abwt to go here and he forgt to made one"..haay..

den we go to flag ceremony..I notice dat JG was on my left side!..yay!..haha

we had a aping time again..den i was the 1st one will perform..oh my!
im nt yet ready..hihi...

11-11 is love!
we had a quiz in physics
den we also had a film viewing today 2 hrs.,
we watched clash of the titans

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Blogged @ 7/12/2010 07:23:00 PM | 0 Responses

Saturday, July 10, 2010

wat a lucky day today!...haha
coz we all know, dat almost ds week we had misunderstanding with gelline and our group of friends sosyalisztas

i really really hate it!..since our leader bernadeth transfer in oder school , most of the time we had a misunderstanding unlike before!!!

omo! glad today afternoon while we are making a bulletin for our Sci-Math Club , me and gelline finally talked to each oder!!...yipeee!...i really really miss talking to her!..yay!!

and while cramming in cutting quest. and answer together with gem..
may ann arrived..alex lookz happy!..haha
wooa?..i really dont expect, den i ask may ann if she can help us,im glad its ok with her!..hahas

den marian came with us..wew!..she was at my side..
den i talk to her, if she feel irritating with us..she dont replied!
gosh!..i told to my mind I WILL NEVER TALK TO HER!!

*snob gal!*

den while thinking wat should i answer to dat ques.
may ann will paste the answer in a green construction paper
while marian will paste the question on a pink construction paper!

wew!..lookz bec. of weather trivias we are like a friend again
just like nothing happened!haha

I really feel hungry at dat tym!..coz Jessica and I dnt tke lunch!..
oh my!!!..we go to cafeteria to drink koolee bt da machine isn't work..haay
so we prefer to buy smarkle...hihi

den we go around the hs bldg. , i see bai lu my younger bro en making a news for gazette in our school

we goin fahrenheit!,,WTH!..i hte dat guy...coz he only print 12 pics but he ask me 48 so i gave 50..change 2.00
I already know dat he was wrong!!!!....
coz he thought it was 16 pics!!!..are he kidding me?..lolz..
i know those kind of people act dat dey dnt know!...FTW!!!
so jessica and I act, just like dunno watz happening!!..haha

After we rcv da pic..we just like looking those pic den we started to count!..
Look!..we r ryt!..der r only 12 pics!
so i told to him dat he must gve a 12.00 to me...

look!..he gve i think 20 above!,..oh my!..den i shock...
my mind says just like...wth is ds chnese guy!

dont even know how to compute well..
den a stranger ge ge solve the prob.
hahas..xie xie!!!

oh my!!while looking those pics of cheon myun jeong

den we go back in our school

I was soo tired!..and dont feel well coz i hve rushes!...oh my!
den i nid to go back to bus station again, so dat jessica can go home!..hihi
nvm!..its long as i can!..
den back to school again while walking one of my classmates...
was going to pass by to me..
i dont want to ignore him coz i dont wnt people will thought im a snob one
coz im not, everyone knows im a friendly one and happy all the tym
so u can see my always smiling..haha
back to the i say...
r u going home...
yeah..u r only by urself
den already pass top him..
take cre..

mybe he thought i didn't heard it...coz i already in the bus..
wow..he's concern..xie xie..haha

finally, bai lu en, zhen ni and I are now going home!.,.,.haha

btw , u know ive seen dat i sw 2 word Lucky today..
Lucky on da t-shirt of reel and Lucky 9 on the bus, we passed by!..hihi

i wnt one more tody!^^..keke

i hope ive seen a word lucky today!..haha


Blogged @ 7/10/2010 12:22:00 AM | 0 Responses

Thursday, July 8, 2010
School is awesome

omo!..i miss blogging!..keke

yesterdsay wew hasd our aping timew in ewnglish, itz rewally awewsomwe..ewvwen i was hurt!..haha...
I was selling a pirated dvd den jessica will arrested me, den i run den suddenly i got mah feet feel to down..hahas..

i hope we can get a high gradse:)

finally i got a signaturwe of sir raf!..i really aiming to get a high grades,,

oh my!!..

i really really love Cinderella sister its really awesome drama!..
gosh!..u must really wacthed it


soo bz!..btw u know today JG look at me i mean eye to eye!..

gotta kill him...huh

tomorrow, i must be active in our xclass!

jia you jackie!!!


Blogged @ 7/08/2010 07:24:00 PM | 0 Responses

Friday, July 2, 2010
june and july 1

OMO!..its been along tym hvnt vst my bloggy here...hahas

dui bu qi...

wat happened ds past few days...
well yestrday, my classmates were designed for our jersey..
and its really cool!!..

u know what happened?

our principal rejct it!!!..gosh...

i choose #11 as my no.,..den chnge to 22, den 16
after dey measure as all

rica and I go to dem..,asked to chnge our number into
mine:10 wu chun! hahaha...and 07!
omo!..i love 7!..hihi

today we had our 1st fri. it only tooks i think 1 hr and 10 mins?..hmmm..
den we gop bck to our classroom the elem.
will trhe first to take recess..

after dat we hve physics..we talk abwt using scientific calculator abwt scientific notation!..

omo!..sir raf choose me as a representative of the girl
vs boys raymark!

den after dat we had our economics!bt we dont study!!!

look..we only hve 2 subj!...haha...
sooo happy!...i am!..

keke!..omo nid to go bck in our house by myself..oh my!..lucky i am..
jessica go w/ me..along to our siesta?..hahaha

yey!..arigtou jessica!!..luv yah!...mwah mwah mwah?!..hahah

coz may ann and oders cnt go w/ us coz dey will be going ds afternoon..hmm

to manage our bulletin board..

while we was in abagat's gen merchandise xerox?..

lookz...wen i notice it..i told to jessica

"jessie, mali xla oh..dapat photocopy!...haha.."
remember xerox is a machne!!
xerox machine!
photocopy is like the book u want to photocopy!..hihihi..
i dunno hw to explain!!!
dui bu qi!!!!

while we r talking abwt it!..i ntce may an!..was on the bus!
going home!...we are like to say bye bye!..hahaa

wave our hands to her!!!...i really love may ann!..
she's sooo kind!..we bcame friends since we r 1st yr!..:)

i remember ystrday, while we are eating in the cafeteria..
may ann,jessica and I seen ate geelene..
den i shock!..why?..
coz she hug on mah back!..

she was studying, in STI..

i gonna end ds post now..
nid to review for upcat later!..byiee~!!

omo!..b4 i 4gt


Blogged @ 7/02/2010 06:40:00 PM | 0 Responses