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Thursday, September 30, 2010
I enjoy intrams w/ my friends

During our Intrams!!^^ we take a pics!!!^^

May Ann were kinda heavy^^


Carlo!^^ w/ us..our cute photographer

datz me!!! pic in my fb..dey ask me if we can do it

superman!^^ sign of sosyalistaz

before we go home...

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Blogged @ 9/30/2010 08:00:00 PM | 0 Responses

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

yesterday, I was absent..means i didn't go to school
Me & my dad went in UST,the oldest university in Philippines.
UST isn't bad univ. well i am proud of coz i hve spanish blood & its an spanish univ. as well
we've been in Makati as well yay!i really really love Makati :)

Blogged @ 9/14/2010 07:41:00 PM | 0 Responses

Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Great Call of China

why appa were soo unfair, dey must be fair to der child. They buy a original one even if its expensive.I only want them to buy a book w/c cost 6 dollars only dey cant!WTH! If i only know that dey wouldn't buy me, I will surely go to buy it since i hve a budget for it. How I wish I'll have a work and can able to buy I want to and travel around the world. I will assure to be successful in my life and won't get wrong my lives. My future is in my hands, my plans in my future all!...

Ds book is what i wanna read to..

On my first sight of ds book, were very interesting!yay!...

"A Great Call of China"
by Cynthia Liu

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Blogged @ 9/12/2010 08:21:00 PM | 0 Responses

Friday, September 10, 2010
today is 10!

HELLO!..yay! i've just realize!..that i hven't update my blog for along tym!
dui bu qi, i hope u 4gve me..kyaa!
okae, its sept. 10, 2010 today One more month before chun bday!..yay!im soo excted..haha
speaking of 10 , my jersey were # 10..
coz of wu ji zun..he's my inspiration for along tym!yay!

anw, here's a pic of my lil sistah!..dey had a pictorial dady will be bck hir !.yay!..damn miss him..hihi..
she's kawaii ryt!..hahas..

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Blogged @ 9/10/2010 07:59:00 PM | 0 Responses