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Sunday, November 21, 2010
My soulmate?

Hello my bloggy..hahas...I've change layout again..keke..I love my current layout! Promise..hahas... Last night, I keep dreaming sum1 whom I dunno. Sometym a mysterious guy,JG,Francis & my childhood friend.4 of them.haha...And it extremely hurts me those happenings, sumtymz a heart break or a sweet romances..nyahaha... I told to myself, I'll wear tomorrow my fav. & lucky blouse of mine.. Morning...After the mass, Demi,Jenny & I were go at the left side of the church coz the teacher gonna sign our mass card. When abwt to go F. seen me, then I've seen May Ann..yey!..haha...after that, harold,mei chu & oder students was der. When an elem. teacher was already der, we hurriedly to go w/ her.

I suddenly an eye to eye with someone I don't know. Nah! Its the first time that happened to me. I can't believe..haha..we eye to eye to each other, like we didn't seen each other for along time..haha.. He kinda looks familiar, well I dunno.
He was w/ a schoolmate of mine, but I didn't notice who is it. nyeee... Then I suddenly told to my mind "hey! jackie wake up..haha" Luckily, the teacher was already signing and I am abwt the nxt one to sign..haha..wew!..

That time save me..haha...Then when he already finish to sign the mass card of the guy he's been with, he look at me again. But I'm not feel comfortable anymore, like my heart keep beating..hihi...
so I move inside the church. Is it him?my soulmate?haha I told to myself last nyt, I must met my soulmate tomorrow whatever happened..haha.. until now, it remind me him. I
wonder what his name..But I absolutely don't know if he exactly my soulmate or not..

Omo!..God only knows who is it & when is the exact time we gonna meet or meet again..haha
I've found out that a friend of mine, in a net cafe will be having a training in a call center. If he gonna accept he will be working there. If not, he gonna stay in the net cafe. He help us a lots w/ my friends, chatting w/,fun w/ him, like an oppa with us..haha...We became friends w/ him together w/ my friends when we are still 2nd yr. The first time we net there I was w/ badeth..haha...

I am bad, if I wud wish he weren't be accept. If he gonna accept, he'll be happy & earn money for his family. He don't even take lunch always...coz of his work...aigoo! well jia you kua moi!hahas..

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Blogged @ 11/21/2010 08:40:00 PM | 0 Responses

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I hate it!

i really hate our adviser!...wth!.a liar and a favoritism..fine I really dont care...just promised to myself I'll nvr like her like wat i did b4 :P

Sir Raf is better than u!

Blogged @ 11/09/2010 09:53:00 PM | 0 Responses