Umm.. Sorry, Do I know you ?
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Green Rose

Today, I had a great fun chatting w/ u. Eventhough just a half day. I am glad u understand my situation, I am really2x busy doing my project in physics. I know I just put away my status, but still u continue sending ur msg. U really know dat I am there, haha.. U're the very 1st one in my life that i've ever met such a cold-hearted guy!PROMISE!!! The hardest question that I've ever encountered is when the one u like asking if u were already fall in love with someone. Like the previous relationship that I've had before...
I know when I am accidentally offline bec. of net connection u were just invisible & suddenly PM me when u sees me whether I am Online,Busy or Away...haha..
The best part is that u were only chatting with me, eventhough we are in a chatroom with other Chinese people...^^
I ask u one of the question of my french guy that had been asked to me:
U didn't reply any answer..sooo far....hmm..BUT ds one makes me happy..LoL.. Goodnight ge ge! Thanks for making ur mei mei complete her day! Wan an!!!

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Blogged @ 12/29/2010 11:37:00 PM | 0 Responses

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Letting me go

I know its impossible for you to like me. I don't want u to know about my feelings for u, I am afraid that u might ignore me..As long as we our friends its ok. I didn't talk to u too much today, coz I feel I am disturbing u. You envy too much, that I u even ask me to teach u English so u can communicate well to me. U always feel pity bec. of me! I hate it...absolutely :|
I don't want to expect too much from u. We are far from each other u we're in Hainan right now while I am in Tarlac. How come?

I feel miserable,I say goodnight to u..then u said
"fine","go"...I feel u letting me go...
hao ba!..

Blogged @ 12/28/2010 11:42:00 PM | 0 Responses