Umm.. Sorry, Do I know you ?
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
Letting me go

its time to let go my feelings to u....

zai jian heyong

Blogged @ 1/23/2011 12:02:00 AM | 0 Responses

Sunday, January 2, 2011
I like you...

I'll gonna miss chatting with u heyong gege!..super,haha...This one, really marks on my mind LoL..I wonder who's dat 19 yrs. old chinese gal we were talking to. The one u admired the most were soo lucky to have such a nice and kind guy like u..congratz to her!..haha

I even make a layout bec. of u!..LoL..

Should I smile coz u're my friend or cry coz that's all we'll ever be


Blogged @ 1/02/2011 11:41:00 PM | 0 Responses

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Year of the Rabbit! 2011

Hello world! Its now the Year of the Rabbit!..wew! I love bunnies..kyahaha...Last night was totally an awesome new yr for me. One of the unforgettable new yr of mine.keke...My 1st dream on the yr 2011, was mixed means random.I dreamed hmm,, a 3 guys..with different personality. I was wondered who is it, Last night, while I was eating I remembered Heyong gege, then I accidentally fall my spoon. Then I told to myself someone remembered me..haha..

I go to the kitchen then get a spoon again, after I ate I try to eat the desert..haha..something sweet then I accidentally fall my spoon again, for the 2nd time. Then for the 3rd time..Already ok..haha

Here's me & my lil sis..keke...Happy 2011! everyone!


Blogged @ 1/01/2011 09:51:00 PM | 0 Responses