Umm.. Sorry, Do I know you ?
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Friday, April 15, 2011
A little crush that grew into something more

Ok! I rcv a good advice from ate chichi. A big thanks to her...

here's her advice:

I like my Best Guy Friend, but he already had a gf. Its soo hard everytime I see them sweet to each other I almost cry. My friends told to me let go of my feeling & ignore himbut I find so hard.What should I do?

I have experienced the same thing... BUT IT'S THE OTHER WAY AROUND. He liked me but I turned him down because I like someone else. We're still really good friends but he was able to move on, though it wasn't easy (according to him). He told me that he kept in mind that we're best friends and that he doesn't want that to change.. And if I was in YOUR place, It would be really hard for me to move on but I'D TRY FOR THE SAKE OF OUR FRIENDSHIP. I mean, he's my best friend, I want him to be happy. If he's happy with his girlfriend then it's best to let go. :) I know it would be really hard but we cannot force people to like us back the way we like them :)

Don't worry, your prince will come.. Someone you don't have to force yourself to, it will just perfectly fall into place :) :)

I know it will be kinda hard for me to move on! But I will try my best!


Blogged @ 4/15/2011 12:54:00 AM | 0 Responses

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Secretly loving u

I miss u soo much heyong ge. This is the truth. And I am secretly loving u. I hope someday u'll realize that I have a feelings for u, but I will never expect that u will love me back. Since u already like someone..Even though I hurt everytime u were talk her. I feel that my heart were broken into pieces.

Wo hen xiang ni!

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Blogged @ 4/09/2011 11:54:00 PM | 0 Responses